a little trip abroad..

Friday, December 30, 2011
San Sebastián, Spain
Thursday, December 29, 2011
Paris, France.

Sam and I spent 7 nights in Paris in total. First 4 nights in a row and then a little break in San Seb, Spain before returning for another 3. This post will just be on Paris as a whole.
I remember we found Paris overwhelming, beautiful and full of tourists.
Writing this post from near the end of my whole trip I can say Paris was not a highlight of my trip or even of Europe. It is not that I didn't enjoy the place, or the company or regret how I used my time. It's just I think that anyone who doesn't know French, might struggle on their first visit ( if it is a short visit like ours) to fully appreciate what it has to offer. We marvelled at the beautiful buildings and enjoyed the wonderful pastries and crepes. But we both felt we were a bit hesitant due to our lack of french and perhaps knowledge of the culture in general, which made us unable to really relax and to take in anything that wasn't on the surface. So i think i would like to brush up on my French and then spend a few weeks just drinking coffee and walking the streets or alternatively don't brush up on my French and just bring my mum!
We arrived in Paris in the late afternoon, and used all the power in our legs combined to make it up the many many stairs from the platform to outside of the metro station with our large bags ( the next day we would find there was an elevator) having spent our energy we found our hostel and went to bed, we would not even rise for dinner, we awoke the next day. With renewed energy we used our poor French to order pastries and baguettes for breakfast and took a long walk to the meeting spot for the free walking tour. We met our guide Halley who was French - Canadian who had a real love for the city and was able to tell us so many great stories along the route of our tour which went from Saint Michael's Fountain, past the hotel de ville, the Notre Dame (which we went back for another look another day), walked through Musee Du Lovre, then walked through Jardine des Tuileries (a really beautiful garden), before going through the place de la concord, and ending somewhere between the grand palis, and peti palis. After the tour Sam and I headed down the Avenue Des Champselyses and went to look at the arc de triomphe and the crazy roundabout of death, which is in front of it.
We finished the day with what we become or regular dinner cheese, salami (for sam) and baguette, which we ate on the steps next to our hostel.
We had enjoyed our tour with Halley the day before so thought we would join him on abother tour on the second day of our stay which was around the neighbourhood we were staying in, Montmartre. In the past the neighbourhood was full or artists and venues such as the Moulin Rouge. We started off at the Moulin Rouge before heading to Sacrecoeur, then the restaurant where the film Amelie was shot, past the last windmills in the district, and the last vineyard in the district too (apparently the used to be lots, but this one doesn't make very nice wine), past Van Goughs old house, and generally winding ourselves around the windy hilly streets of the district.
The following day we walked from the hostel to Opera Garnier, but rehearsals were on, so we couldn't go inside! But it looked like a beautiful building from the outside. So we returned home and napped before walking all the way to the Eiffel Tower, which was quite a way. I loved loved loved the Eiffel Tower. We took the stairs and laughed at the line for the elevator and made our way to the first and then second tier - it was delightful but very very windy. It was impossible to take any pictures that were even remotely true to how it was, but at least i have the memory in my head. After we came down we grabbed some crepes and laid in the grass park to marvel at the structure. So ugly but so great.
We headed to the train station the next morning thinking we would leave for San Sebastian, Spain... but alas they were full so we were left to find accommodation for the night. We found a hostel near by on our map and headed towards it. Unfortunately Sam got his sense of direction out of whack so we walked in a circle for 45 minutes, which is a very long time with your pack on your back. Finally we headed in the right direction but upon finally arriving at the hostel we found out if was booked out, ut the receptionist was nice enough to book us a 2 star hotel " around the corner'.. Another 45 minute walk later we entered the worst hotel ever. And exhausted went to bed until we rose in the dark to treck back to the station in the very early hours of the morning. You will find our adventures in San Seb in my next post...however for now.. a few days later we arrived back in Pairs.
This time we had booked a apartment which was a tiny little thing in the same area we were last time. so we got in at night and settled in - we had Chinese takeaway of the sort we would never of had at home - it was all precooked sitting in the cabinet and they weighed the amount you wanted and then you went home and reheated it.
The next day we had a late start, Sam found some nice markets while i continued to lay in bed and he brought some yummy things to eat like olives and cheese. Then we he returned we just went for a big wonder all over the hood and went to Garden du Luxembourg for a long nap. For dinner we had a yummy platter we cheese and olives and smoked salmon and prosciutto - yum yum.
The following morning we headed to the Palace of Versailles and we wondered around the vast gardens ( a lot of which were closed which was a shame) and had a nap next to the lake.
After this we wondered in Queen Marie Antoinette gardens, which included a little farm.
It was all really nice and i would definitely want to go back for more of look especially inside the palace itself. That night we were lucky enough to have a visit from Bianca and we met up with her friends Willie who was living in Paris. Bianca and Sam shared a really yummy Duck dish at a place called Lete en pente douce, and then after we went for a drink at a bar down some steep steps, and met up with some rather loud middle age Aussie women.
First thing in the morning Sam was heading back to Aus, Bianca and I continued napping in bed before she headed to Willie's and I headed to the train station to figure out where I would be heading next, turns out I would read my book all day and get the night train to Berlin. This was the only overnight train I took which I didn't have a bed, and I hope I wont have to do it again to soon!
P.S My camera ran out of batteries just after the Eiffel Tower, so I only took film images which i haven't got processed yet, so i have offered a couple of Sam's.. ie the one of the goats :)
Wednesday, December 28, 2011
Lille, France
Early one morning Sam and I grabbed a train and arrived bright and early in France. After grabbing our first of what would be many breakfasts consisting of pastries we had nothing better to do than spend our first day in Lille, laying on our picnic blanket in the park, listening to an accordion player. It was a perfect way to start our time in France.
In the late afternoon we grabbed our stuff and walked through the city to meet our couch surfing host Tilbult. After a small rest we headed to a bar were a whole the whole Lille Couch Surfing Community was meeting to celebrate Lille Braderie, which is what we were there for, and is basically a giant flea market that takes over the whole city, but more on that later. For now we arrived at this bar, and worked our way through conversations slowly, as we could not speak French, and no one was very confident in English. People were nice enough to shout us a few beers, unluckily for Sam i don't drink Beer so he was drinking two for everyone else’s one. We didn't get to eat until about 11.30 at night, and we hadn't eaten since our croissants at 9 am... so we were pretty hungry. We ate the traditional Braderie meal, of mussels and fries... I’ve never eaten a bowl of mussels so fast. Everyone was very friendly but we were exhausted and were super keen to head back, there were also 3 other couch surfing girls and our hosts girlfriend (who spent the whole night crying, but she didn't speak any English, so I never knew why she was so sad) and we all walked home together.
On the first night of the market, which is usually a huge party night were people don’t leave the streets til dawn, a huge storm hit, wiping out many stalls and forcing everyone in doors, this was a pity, and apparently the first time in the long tradition of the Braderie this ever happened. We watched from the window of the apartment, seeing people running everywhere getting drenched, and rubbish and bits of debris swirling around the streets. We spent the night with 5 other couch surfers, + our hosts and his girl friend having a couple of drinks and watching videos of Tilbult’s favourite band (which was pretty lame).
In the morning many of the stalls set up again and we continued to walk around the junk, before taking the train to Paris in the afternoon.
It was a weird introduction to France, but a interesting experience all the same.
Sunday, December 11, 2011
England Road Trip.

Thursday, November 17, 2011
Leeds Festival.
Ok so - straight from Edinburgh Sam and I grabbed a early morning train to Leeds.
First stop - a new camera for Sam
Second stop - Gum boots... as it was said to be a bit muddy & to pick up tickets... it turns out this would also be the best time to lose something else.. so this time i lost my warmest and most rain proof jacket... this would turn out to be one of the coldest nights of my entire trip.. well done me.
Third Stop - find bus to festival ground.. harder than you might think.
So we rocked into Leeds festival, Sam lacking in sleep and holding a hangover.. perfect combo when you are about to spend all night at a music festival. Remedy accidentally order two huge, over priced beers. The Afternoon began.
So we listened to in the reverse order to what is listed;
PULP ( we had no idea who this was.. turns out very populor in England.. obviously didnt make it across to us Aussies, or at least Sam and I).
The Strokes
The National
Jimmy Eat World
Two Door Cinema Club
Around this time or energy was lagging, and we were so freezing cold... as Sam had lent me half of his jumpers, to counteract mine being lost - we were both very cold, but neither of us were turning to ice. Anyway we decided the best thing to do would be to put down our picnic blanket, kindly donated by Edinburgh Fringe.. ie Bianca ( which was to become the most important piece of our luggage ever) in a experimental dj tent. In which we took a 2 hr nap, to some very nice tunes and visuals.... unfortunately when we woke up - Two Door Cinema were starting there DJ set, which was not as good nap music - so we headed out.
We didn't bother booking accommodation for the night, and were planning to head out on an early train, having seen everything that Leeds had to offer. So we took our place on the floor on the train station, along with half the festival. The Train station were nice enough to corner off a little sleeping area in the main lobby and Subway were smart enough to stay open, earning them more money than the probably make in a year.
So after a very uncomfortable night ( morning) of sleep and then a very large coffee, we were back on the Train to London, to see the Fenton's again.
I didn't take my camera so these photos come courtesy of SAM.
Thursday, October 6, 2011
London ( Again) & Edinburgh Fringe Festival
So i went bacck to stay with the lovely Fenton's. Sam and I had a lovely couple of days staying with them and wondered about town seeing this and that. One thing we did go an see was a relly interesting exhibition called the museum of broken relationships. which is a collection of objects that have been donated to this exhibit, but all include a long or short story about the relationship/broken heart that is symbolised my the object. Its so interesting, but really leaves you with a heavy heart, as it seems every love no matter how great evetually ends terribly.
Then it was roadtrip day, which is one of my favourite kinds of days. So we meet up with Pat, he took the drivers seat, Sam beside him, and i spread out in the back. I think it was like a 7hr or so drive, but it felt much quicker, because we had such a great time. we had done all the right things, brought tones of great snacks, plenty of good music, and gossip. It was defintly one of the highlighs of my trip so far.
this is my favourite, because you can see Pat in the rearview mirror.
it should be mention that at diffrent points i have lost both the sunglasses in this photo, and that head scraf...:( I never managed to lose Sam though.. so i guess that's a plus.
classic Pat & Steph pose.
the border!!! i should also mention that i also lost this jacket..actually i have lost alot of stuff.
it was pretty exciting
Ok so then we were at the 2011 Edinburgh Fringe... and it was so super Rad, it is hard to tell you how mint it really was. I can't really distinguish days or anything anymore.. so here is a collection of thoughts about our time there.. i only took like 3 photos in 6 days.. so yep you can tell we were busy.
So to start... the shows.
Sammy J and Randy: Ricketts Lane - I first met Sammy J at Melbourne Cabret Festival, and loved his show, and thought he was a super great guy too boot. So Sam and I were super keen to bring Pat to the joys of Sammy J with the added bonus of the Randy duo. I don't think i stopped laughing the entire show, it was so funny. Def one of my favourites of the whole festival.
The Pajama Men : In the middle of No One - This was my faourite show. Bianca, our super lovliest lady of the fringe, suggested this one to us and i was so super thankful. this was the funnist thing i have seen in my entire life, and one of the most quotable shows of the festival, so it was able to be replayed again and again.
New Art Club: Quiet Act of Destruction - Sam and I saw this together later in the week... im not sure if we were just a bit tired or something by then...because we just thought it was very strange, and weird... however there was a food fight, and that was enjoyable. And i think Sam enjoyed eating stale cornflakes.
Yianni: Things That Make You Go 'Oooooh!' - performing in the free fringe, and a friend of Bianca's, this comedy show did have its moments, although it was hindered by a very drunk crowd memer who took a long time to convince to leave.
Le Gateau Chocolat - A show that we had the pleasure of seeing more than once in our venue in Cabaret Festival we could not help but watching George again in Edinburgh. A most amazing performer, and all round great guy, this show always takes my breath away.
Nina Conti - a ventriloquist and comedian. who by the way i knew looked very familar, and just realised that she was in an ep of Black Books - which has just made like her even more. I think this was one of Sam's favourite acts. She was bloody amazing, and did things such sing a duet with her puppet ( how the heck she did i have no idea) and also did the voice of her puppet whilst she was drinking a cup of water!
Margarett Cho - An American Comdedian, Sam wasnät too much ito the countless lesbain jokes.
Hannibal - Also an American Comedian. This poor guy who was actually quite funny. Had two huge guys sit in the front row, and looked as if there were going to kill him. seriously. no one wanted to make a wrong move. it was so tense in that room, and i have never seen a performer leave a venue so quickly after a set. Bianca and Sam will tell you im not exagerating, he was seriously going to get killed.
unknown play - I thought it would be good idea to take a rest from the comedy and see a serious play so Sam and I picked a random one and skipped along to the venue. Little did i know it was a one person monologue that went for 90 minutes and detailed how the character killed and disposed of child molesters. so intense. but beauitfully written and performed...yep..
We also saw a couple best of fests, where we got to see a number of acts. In fact we could of seen some more shows, but i think im doing pretty damn well to even remember this many.
Ofcourse there was also the Mirazozo, where countless hours were lost on a couple of diffrent days. im not really sure how to describe it so check out http://www.architects-of-air.com/luminaria/mirazozo.html
this is what it looks like when you take photos.
Ofcourse this is not all we did, we also did alot of drinking, and some eating, too balance it out. Bianca was nice enough to lead us into the staff & Artist bars every night, which often lead to at least one expresso martini and other delights.
One particulary enjoyable day, evening, night, day , we spent drinking in the garden, meeting other people, and then had a long and enjoyable dance, before going for more dancing at late and live, at which point sam went to buy our next drinks and dint turn up for another hour and half.. later he was forgiven, as Pat and i had a great time jiving on the dance floor.. who needs sam anyway. After some more drinks to apogise, we left the bar ( and unfortunetly sams camera), and headed home at 6am.
This leads me to tell you aout the best hostel ive come across. so continuing with the last story, i arrived home, to say what was becoming the usual goodmorning and chat to the lovely sydney sider who worked the night shift at the hostel reception. who told me where i should go sleep ( because i made 3 diffrent lots of reservations, i changed rooms 5 nights out of 6, and it was just easier to leave my bag in the storage room, and just go sleep in the bed i was assigned). The next day i woke up late, and ate some vegie mite toast ( free breaky ran until 12pm, so if you were up early enough you could have free breakfast and lunch) and then Sam came over and we went to lie down in the bean bag movie room ( a pitch black room full of beanbags, which has a big projector and a billion movies to choose from)... seriously what more could you want... i dont know maybe a nesresso coffee from the hotel bar which is only 1 pound, and the best coffee in the entire of edinburgh..and we tried alots of them. Serously perfect.
And that how we spent our time there, eating , drinking, watching movies in the bean bag room and seeing tones of shows... oh yer and when it rained we hid in Biancas hut, under a blanket drinking tea and eating vegimite rolls... tough life.
we will never see that photo.