Ok so - straight from Edinburgh Sam and I grabbed a early morning train to Leeds.
First stop - a new camera for Sam
Second stop - Gum boots... as it was said to be a bit muddy & to pick up tickets... it turns out this would also be the best time to lose something else.. so this time i lost my warmest and most rain proof jacket... this would turn out to be one of the coldest nights of my entire trip.. well done me.
Third Stop - find bus to festival ground.. harder than you might think.
So we rocked into Leeds festival, Sam lacking in sleep and holding a hangover.. perfect combo when you are about to spend all night at a music festival. Remedy accidentally order two huge, over priced beers. The Afternoon began.
So we listened to in the reverse order to what is listed;
PULP ( we had no idea who this was.. turns out very populor in England.. obviously didnt make it across to us Aussies, or at least Sam and I).
The Strokes
The National
Jimmy Eat World
Two Door Cinema Club
Around this time or energy was lagging, and we were so freezing cold... as Sam had lent me half of his jumpers, to counteract mine being lost - we were both very cold, but neither of us were turning to ice. Anyway we decided the best thing to do would be to put down our picnic blanket, kindly donated by Edinburgh Fringe.. ie Bianca ( which was to become the most important piece of our luggage ever) in a experimental dj tent. In which we took a 2 hr nap, to some very nice tunes and visuals.... unfortunately when we woke up - Two Door Cinema were starting there DJ set, which was not as good nap music - so we headed out.
We didn't bother booking accommodation for the night, and were planning to head out on an early train, having seen everything that Leeds had to offer. So we took our place on the floor on the train station, along with half the festival. The Train station were nice enough to corner off a little sleeping area in the main lobby and Subway were smart enough to stay open, earning them more money than the probably make in a year.
So after a very uncomfortable night ( morning) of sleep and then a very large coffee, we were back on the Train to London, to see the Fenton's again.
I didn't take my camera so these photos come courtesy of SAM.
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