Monday, December 21, 2009

Cambodia Day 13 -16

Well Everyone ,

Sorry we haven't posted a blog the last couple of days , but we had stayed away from a computer!

So last Friday we had a pretty crusiey day at school , with a few tests for both kids and uni students and then games all afternoon. In the evening Elise and I asked our Tuk Tuk man to take us to the Night Markets , but he had lent his tuk tuk to a friend. So instead we piled onto the back of his motobike and he took us that way instead. It was really fun and we quite enjoyed the un expected experience. We had a nice time at the markets, and were able to pick up a couple of presents for members of our families at home :)

Bright and Early on Saturday morning we headed in a mini bus to the bus station ( which isn't really that far away). This was the scariest thing we have done since we have been here - and i made the mistake of taking the front seat ( Dad- you think I would of learnt in India this is never a good idea!) However we managed to make it to the bus alive, so we jumped on and things were all good. Until we relaised we were freezing to death under the aircon - so we huddles , grabbe dout my pashmina ( thanks Haylz who knew it would come in handy as a blanket somewhere along the line!) - eventually we followed suit of a couple of other passangers and covered the aircon with the curtin from the window and this helped alot. Who could of thought we could freeze to death here!! So about 4.5 hrs later at just after 12 we arrived in Sianoukville ( Elise might have to correct that spelling later, but she just went for a shower). We were hit with a wall of Cambodian Tuk Tuk drivers all screaming at us - this was so overwhelming, exspecially beause we hadn't booked accomdation so we had no idea where to go. Luckily and Aussie appeared out of nowhere and gave us the low down ( Life Saver) so we bargained out price in the tuk tuk and headed to look at a couple of diffrent places, we eneded up at a brand new resort called Aqua Resort which was run by some Americans. Compared to Narin this was heaven, hot water, a pool literally a step from our door, and even aircon!!! So after settling in we wondered down to the main beach which was only 500m away - we stuck into some cocktails and into a bbq seafood platter ( we got this for $7 only later to realise $3 was the general price- we had just picked the most expensive place to start with !!) . The beach was absolute bliss with a great astmophere and view. After this we headed back to our Resort and went for a swim, another drink whilist we were in the pool before laying back to read a book. I ha'dn't been reading long when something liked my hand, as you can imagine this was quite a fright, but it turns our it was a beautiful dog!! So i gave her a big pat and was told by the staff she had just recently had 10 puppies!! Was i in heaven or what - so as you would guess Elise and I practically ran to where the puppies were. They were only 4 days old and their eyes hadn't even opened yet! They are about the sizes of our hands, some were black, some brown and one was white. We played with the puppies for a long time, and then i went back up stairs to give the mummy dog a massage because i thought she had done a great job having all those puppies!! I also sang to her as their was some beaut 50's music on!! ( I am pretty sure she enjoyed the massage but i'm not sure about the singing ;)) . We also saw the puppies again that afternoon and watched the mum feed them.

After a while we headed to the beach for an evening walk, as the sun began to set it was a perfect afternoon. We setlled into the most comfy chairs ( giant versions of my pink one at home) literally a step away from the water, and got stuck into bbq prawns and cocktails... and then some more prawns, they were soo good!! Children let fire crackers/ flares off all along the beach so it was like fireworks and absolutely terrific. It was one of the niecest days of my live, and a higlight of the trip!

The next day we got up early for a snorkelling trip, we met up with two other Australians ( everyone seems to be from AUS!!) One was called Sarah and one called Jane ( she looked so much like Sandy Robson from School and lived in Mulimbimby - which is where Billy, Elise and I stayed when we went to Blue and Roots!) So we headed out on a boat to a spot to go snoreklling - my snorkle was just not working for me - so i did not have a very good time, but apprarently there wasn't much to see anyway. Then we took the boat to a second island for a swim and some lunch, both of which was brilliant after a walk across they isalnd we were ready to go to the isalnd for more snorkelling, also on this jounrney we picked up an Isralie who was backpacking. The next snorkelling bit was much better, for everyone as their was alot more to see and i wasn't as retarded! By this time we had used a whole tube of sunscreen and Elise and I were still bright red!!!! It was a really nice trip and we really enjoyed the company.

After returning back to the resort for a shower, we heading back to the same place from the night before. We ordered drinks and some chippies - but before we had them in our hand we were bombarded by the kids selling shit ( they had bothered us the day before but not as bad) one little boy sat between me and Elise for 20 mins and wouldn't let us speak to each other and was being insanely annoying - so we got up and moved - in the end we had our nails painted and had a trillion bracelts made - to finally get some peace. Although at one stage we were absolutewly surrounded to the point Sarah came and took a picture!

After finally getting rid of them , Sarah and Jane joined us for some happy shakes and for some more bbq seafood, we then just relaxed and chatted for a while. We had an early night because we were nackered, but on the way home we stopped to get some icecream, which didn't quite go as well as planned, because Elise's spoon broke so she had to dig at it with the broken end and i choose an icecream which had nuts on the outside so i had to pick them all out! After this icecream fiasco we went to sleep!

In the morning we got up bright and early had yummy cooked breakfast which didn't incluse a baggette and headed for the bus stations back home...

Back at Narin, we grabbe our stuff and headed to the Orphanage. There we met up woth the 4 new volunteers also 18 year old Australians!! We had a pleasant afternoon with introducing them to our classes and they seem nice enough. Looking forward to our last week and christmas with the kids. We gave them all xmas hats today and they were delighted! We also started to decorate the classroom whjch now looks brilliant!

So now I am hungry and Elise is out of the shower so we are going to get some dinner!!

Nitey Nite!

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