Bright and early on Sunday morning Ainsley, Soph and I packed a whole heap of gear into the back of Ains's mum's car, set the ipod with some great tunes and headed of to Loch Sport, 3.5 hrs out of Melb. We set our tent up at the local caravan park, and headed towards 90 Mile beach. As the afternoon continued we explored the beach, ate some food and drank some coffee and went for a walk. As evening aproached we were offered a speed boat ride, and accepted without really thining it through. However we got to hang out with some pretty wicked american twins and saw some dolphins - so it turned out alright - even though we felt more like we were on an amusement ride than on a boat. The evening was spent eating some beautiful curry that Soph made, and playing cards, before gorging on some chocolate ripple cake and sipping some whisky and heading to bed .. around 8.30.
After an early wake up and lots of coffee and porriage we headed home - after a lovely stay.
After an early wake up and lots of coffee and porriage we headed home - after a lovely stay.
These photos are in backwards order - so please start at the bottom :)

it's amazing what speed boating can do for your hair.

After this Emma shouted " Now get one of me liking her".. Issy for some reason did not agree to this..

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